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Mustard Seed November/December 2013

Letter From the Editor

World Watch - What is Behind the Current News?

The Total Lunar Eclipses (Blood Moons) of 2014 and 2015

The New Gospel - "Tolerance"


 Hello everyone,


Have you planned for an evacuation of your home, if there is a fire in your house or apartmentThere are plans that we should walk through so "IF" something happens we can save lives.


House fires are an unexpected event that has happened to people all over this globe. Let's look at another kind of event, this one we have warning and may know when it's going to occur and can see the formation of this event, such as a hurricane, flooding or a forest fire. We may have weeks, days or hours before it reaches us; what do you do in the preparation time? I am using the word "preparation," because we are living in a preparation time today.


The two major reactions that can occur are fear or faith; if we fear we can choke up and not do anything. The faith reaction will be action. Let's look at the book of Proverbs concerning the ant: Proverbs 6:6-9 "having no guide, overseer or ruler --- gathers her food in harvest. Ants have instinct, it is programmed into them to gather the important things during the preparation time. "If" you knew flooding, a forest fire or a hurricane was coming, you know what some of the important things that are needed -- and you would gather and hold on to them.


The creator God knows what is ahead of us, and the things that we should be preparing for. We should go to the Creator and ask him how, and what we are to do in these preparation days.


In Christ's Service,


John Shavers


Meeting Location:  
4923 Prospect NE, Albuquerque
(San Mateo @ I-40)
Mailing Address:
Church of God, New Mexico       
P.O. Box 35365,
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87176
Telephone: 505-889-2939
E-mail:  Church of God

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